Cargobikes with room for 4 kids


– Your Company Bike!
– Lease in your company as self-employed!

QWIC Urban RD9

249 kr./md i beskatning*

QWIC Urban RD9

249 kr./md i beskatning*

If you're looking for electric cargo bikes purely for business use? Check out our JOOLL Business Cargo here

A JOOLL is always inclusive:

Didn’t find the brand you were looking for?

We may already have it in stock – write to us at JOOLL@JOOLL.dk

If you have any questions or would just like to hear more about JOOLL and the concept – Please feel free to reach out.

You can send an email to

Or you can fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

    JOOLL = #Your Company Bike

    Should your employer lease a cargo bike?

    The cargo bike is very popular, especially with families with children, as it makes transport to and from the kindergarten and around the city easier. The cargo bike can be a big expense for a family with children, but if your employer leases the cargo bike through JOOLL, you can have one at your disposal. In this way, your employer is giving you a benefit to which you contribute by paying the tax through your salary.

    With a JOOLL agreement through your work, you get a great electric cargo bike that you can use to and from work as well as in your private life. On this page you can see the range of electric cargo bikes that we offer at JOOLL. If you regret your choice or your needs change, you can exchange it for a new one after 36 months.

    Get a cargo bike with JOOLL

    At JOOLL, we’ve made it easy for you to lease a cargo bike through your employer. As well as getting one of the beautiful cargo bikes you see on this site, you also get a service plan and full comprehensive insurance. Having a JOOLL should be a pleasure, which is why we come out once a year to do a service check on your bike where it’s staying.

    It doesn’t get much easier than that. Your bike can be delivered to anywhere in Denmark, making this the perfect option for those with young children and an employer who are on board.

    Order your JOOLL

    As an Employee or Self-employed you can easily place your order below:

    Cargobikes with room for 4 kids


    Company info:


    Vi har gjort det super enkelt

    Den øverste pris er den månedlige leasingpris inkl. forsikring og fuld service som betales af arbejdsgiver. Måske det bedste anvendelige personalegode man kan give, for slet ikke at tale om at det for arbejdsgiver er driftmæssigt fuldt fradragsberettiget som personaleudgifter.

    Prisen nedenunder er det du som medarbejder betaler netto over skatten om måneden. Altså trækkes inden du får udbetalt din løn. Ja vi ved det godt – super smart, billigt og ikke mindst med kæmpe værdi.

    I alle vores tal til beregning har vi regnet med en gennemsnitlig privat
    skatteprocent på 40%.

    Har du spørgsmål er du altid velkommen til, at kontakte os på JOOLL@JOOLL.DK