Both employee and employer wins!

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JOOLL Bikes (Non electric)

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JOOLL = Your Company Bike!

Smart for you, your employer and the environment

1. Choose your JOOLL

You don't have to compromise

2. Get it over your salary

That's clever!

3. Receive your JOOLL

Use it whenever you want!


Find out why DFDS, among 3000 other Danish workplaces, has chosen JOOLL

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JOOLL - Concept in short

With a JOOLL you can now get a super nice bike/cargo bike from your employer in a similar way to a free phone or car. Employees at +3000 Danish workplaces have already got it – maybe even your colleague 🙂

The concept is simple and straight forward. Your employer provides a bike for you and you only pay a small monthly tax deducted on your paycheck by company payroll.

– And service and insurance are included so you get more freedom in your daily life.

That way, you pay much less than if you had bought the bike yourself.

Finally, a green employee benefit that makes sense and that you can use as much as you like in private without worry.
We call it a free biking or in more normal words “a JOOLL

JOOLL Company Bike – 2 models:

1. “Free JOOLL” as a wage supplement

Employee is simply taxed on the salary of the monthly lease payment

2. “JOOLL Hybrid” 

Employee contributes and company contributes and simple taxation of the monthly lease price over the salary

Company JOOLL

3. Company JOOLLs – use it for business only = no taxation.

For business use only? Ask about our Business Cargo options that can easily carry larger quantities

JOOLL - Always included:

If you're looking for eCargobikes exclusively for business use, check out our JOOLL Business Cargo here

JOOLL - Your Company Bike!

Want to learn more?

If you have any questions or would just like to hear more about JOOLL and the concept – please feel free to reach out.

You can send an email to

Or you can fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

    = Your Company Bike

    Order your JOOLL

    As an Employee or Self-employed you can easily place your order below:



    Company info:


    Vi har gjort det super enkelt

    Den øverste pris er den månedlige leasingpris inkl. forsikring og fuld service som betales af arbejdsgiver. Måske det bedste anvendelige personalegode man kan give, for slet ikke at tale om at det for arbejdsgiver er driftmæssigt fuldt fradragsberettiget som personaleudgifter.

    Prisen nedenunder er det du som medarbejder betaler netto over skatten om måneden. Altså trækkes inden du får udbetalt din løn. Ja vi ved det godt – super smart, billigt og ikke mindst med kæmpe værdi.

    I alle vores tal til beregning har vi regnet med en gennemsnitlig privat
    skatteprocent på 40%.

    Har du spørgsmål er du altid velkommen til, at kontakte os på JOOLL@JOOLL.DK