Job at JOOLL

At JOOLL we are in full swing and we need more amazing and talented people to work with – do you want to join us?

We have an office at Nordhavn in Copenhagen, where we need more hands to join us on our journey with JOOLL. Both here and now, but also in the near future.

We would love to hear from you if you think you can contribute to our future progress. It could be an internship, part time or full time depending on the task and person!

JOOLL is a start-up company working in the mobility services industry. We have created a concept, as the first, where you get Free Bike provided by the employer – a company bike – just as we know it as free car. JOOLL offers companies to lease our JOOLL bikes including insurance and service. Our focus is that having a JOOLL should make having a bike, a completely new and better experience. Our range is distinctly exclusive electric bikes in the price range 20,000 to 80,000 each, which have previously only been reserved for the few, but also bikes without electricity. Our lease prices are from 299 DKK per month. Always with 0 DKK. down payment and no residual value.

JOOLL – Perhaps the best and greenest employee benefit in the world !

Send us an email at JOOLL@JOOLL.dk and write “I want to be JOOLL” in the subject field along with an email telling us who you are and what you can do ☺

JOOLL = #Your Company Bike

Order your JOOLL

As an Employee or Self-employed you can easily place your order below:

Job at JOOLL


Company info:


Vi har gjort det super enkelt

Den øverste pris er den månedlige leasingpris inkl. forsikring og fuld service som betales af arbejdsgiver. Måske det bedste anvendelige personalegode man kan give, for slet ikke at tale om at det for arbejdsgiver er driftmæssigt fuldt fradragsberettiget som personaleudgifter.

Prisen nedenunder er det du som medarbejder betaler netto over skatten om måneden. Altså trækkes inden du får udbetalt din løn. Ja vi ved det godt – super smart, billigt og ikke mindst med kæmpe værdi.

I alle vores tal til beregning har vi regnet med en gennemsnitlig privat
skatteprocent på 40%.

Har du spørgsmål er du altid velkommen til, at kontakte os på JOOLL@JOOLL.DK