JOOLL - Concept in short
With a JOOLL you can now get a super nice bike/cargo bike from your employer in the same way as a company car
The concept is simple and straight forward. Your employer provides a bike for you and you only pay a small monthly tax deducted on your paycheck by company payroll.
– And on top of that, service and insurance are included
Finally, a green employee benefit that makes sense and that you can use as much as you want privately without worries.
JOOLL Company Bike – 2 models:
1. “Free JOOLL” as a wage supplement
Employee is simply taxed on the salary of the monthly leasing
2. “JOOLL Hybrid”
Employee contributes and company contributes and simple taxation of the monthly lease price over the salary
Company JOOLL
3. Company JOOLLs – use it for business only = no taxation.
For business use only? Ask about our Business cargo options that can easily carry larger quantities